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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Chinese Prepare Army Military of Hi-Tech.

Chinese, Chinese prepare capable military army [of] hi-tech. Military Chinese, People'S Liberation Army ( PLA) as ready as will remain to continue development of unit fight cyber and develop virus to attack enemy computer system.

This action, according to commemoration of Department Defense of ( Dod) United States ( ACE), as part of strategy fight information.

: " PLA provide unit fight information developing virus to attack computer system and enemy network," express annual report of Dod. When at the same time, Chinese military also develop the way of to protect x'self of enemy attack.

[Is] cited [by] detikINET of PC World, Tuesday ( 29/5/2007), this ability represent the effort Chinese military modernization enhancing many fighter of and hi-tech of rocket ballistic in its weapons warehouse.

In the case of development of strength to attack opponent computer system, Chinese of course [do] not alone. ACE and some other state have also developed [is] same ability.

Effort writing of virus [in] PLA have been [done/conducted] in a few year which [is] indication importance of Chinese will fight information.

As Dodd send a warning in the year 2000 ago, Chinese also have ability to [do/conduct] penetration to less peaceful ACE computer system. This potential penetration use CNA ( Computer Network Attack) to attack ACE civil citizen and military infrastructure.

In the last few years, PLA have also started training more serious for the attack of computer. [The] mentioned also the including as wide [of] military practice [at] 2005 ago.

Principal focus of[is effort Chinese military modernization [is] state of Taiwan, considered to be nation [is] traitor province by Chinese. Both separate in the year 1949 after civil war [among/between] Communist army and Nationalist ending in the reassignment of Nationalist army to Taiwan. Chinese alone have old menace will attack Taiwan if the state formally express their independent.(this / down)

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